Attachment filtering
Malware is most often distributed in mail as objects attached to messages. To protect your computer, for example, from automatic launch of attached files, you can enable filtering of attachments, which can automatically rename or delete files of specified types.
To enable filtering of attachments:
- Open the application settings window.
- In the left part of the window, in the Protection Center section, select the Mail Anti-Virus component.
- Click the button in the right part of the window.
- Use the
If you have enabled filtering of objects attached to email messages, Mail Anti-Virus renames or deletes files with the extensions listed below.
Bear in mind that the actual format of a file may not match its file name extension.
File types (extensions):
com – executable file for a program no larger than 64 KB;
exe – executable file or self-extracting archive;
sys – system file;
prg – program text for dBase, Clipper or Microsoft Visual FoxPro, or a WAVmaker program;
bin – binary file;
bat – batch file;
cmd – command file for Microsoft Windows NT (similar to a bat file for DOS), OS/2;
dpl – compressed Borland Delphi library;
dll – dynamic loading library;
scr – Microsoft Windows splash screen;
cpl – Microsoft Windows control panel module;
ocx – Microsoft OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object;
tsp – program running in split-time mode;
drv – driver of a device;
vxd – Microsoft Windows virtual device driver;
pif – program information file;
lnk – Microsoft Windows link file;
reg – Microsoft Windows system register key file;
ini – initialization file;
cla – Java class;
vbs – Visual Basic script;
vbe – BIOS video extension;
js, jse – JavaScript source text;
htm – hypertext document;
htt – Microsoft Windows hypertext header;
hta – hypertext program for Microsoft Internet Explorer;
asp –Active Server Pages script;
chm – compiled HTML file;
pht – HTML file with integrated PHP scripts;
php – script integrated into HTML files;
wsh – Microsoft Windows Script Host file;
wsf – Microsoft Windows script;
the – Microsoft Windows 95 desktop wallpaper file;
hlp – Win Help file;
eml – Microsoft Outlook Express email message;
nws – new Microsoft Outlook Express email message;
msg – Microsoft Mail email message;
plg – email message;
mbx – extension for saved Microsoft Office Outlook email;
doc* – Microsoft Office Word document, for example: doc – Microsoft Office Word document, docx – Microsoft Office Word 2007 document with XML support, docm – Microsoft Office Word 2007 document with macros support;
dot* – Microsoft Office Word document template, for example, dot – Microsoft Office Word document template, dotx – Microsoft Office Word 2007 document template, dotm – Microsoft Office Word 2007 document template with macro support;
fpm – database program, Microsoft Visual FoxPro start file;
rtf – Rich Text Format document;
shs – Shell Scrap Object Handler fragment;
dwg – AutoCAD drawing database;
msi – Microsoft Windows Installer packet;
otm – VBA project for Microsoft Office Outlook;
pdf – Adobe Acrobat document;
swf – Shockwave Flash packet object;
jpg, jpeg – compressed image graphics format;
emf – Enhanced Metafile format file. Next generation of Microsoft Windows OS metafiles. EMF files are not supported by 16-bit Microsoft Windows;
ico – object icon file;
ov? – MS Word executable files;
xl* – Microsoft Office Excel documents and files, such as: xla – Microsoft Office Excel extension, xlc – diagram, xlt – document template, xlsx – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbook, xltm – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbook with macros support, xlsb – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 workbook in binary (not XML) format, xltx – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 template, xlsm – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 template with macros support, xlam – Microsoft Office Excel 2007 plug-in with macros support;
pp* – Microsoft Office PowerPoint documents and files, such as: pps – Microsoft Office PowerPoint slide, ppt – presentation, pptx – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation, pptm – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation with macros support, potx – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation template, potm – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation template with macros support, ppsx – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide show, ppsm – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 slide show with macros support, ppam – Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 plug-in with macros support;
md* – Microsoft Office Access documents and files, such as: mda – Microsoft Office Access workgroup, mdb – database, etc;
sldx – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide;
sldm – a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 slide with macro support;
thmx – a Microsoft Office 2007 theme.
To add a new type mask to the list, click the Add link to open the Input file name mask window and enter the necessary information.
tab of the displayed window to select the filtering mode for attachments. When you select either of the last two modes, the list of file types (extensions) will become enabled; there you can select the required types or add a mask to select a new type.